Typescript Library of Gateway Requests

Table of Contents

Base Request

User Management

Lake Management

Resume Upload and Ingestion

Job Description Management

Interview Management

Screening Queue Management

Interviewing Candidates

Interview Workflow

Base Request

All requests inherit from the BaseRequest type:

export abstract class BaseRequest {
    public guid: Guid;
    public typeName: string;
    public domain: string;
    public companyId: number;
    public userId: string;

    constructor() {
        this.domain = 'CognitiveApp';
        this.guid = Guid.create().toJSON().value;

All properties of the abstract class are required and cannot be sent to gateway as empty or with an invalid value. Two fields are populated by the abstract type’s constructor and their value should not be overwritten:

Requests that implement the BaseRequest are required to populate the following field:

The following properties are to be populated before submitting to the gateway, from the access token:3

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User Management

List of Users

To get a list of all users in your Simcoe AI account, use the following request:

export class UsersListRequest extends BaseRequest {
    constructor() {
        this.typeName = "UserListRequest";

Sample request:

  "guid": "7d0290d4-d182-c3c1-aac8-a1b59f7a5929", 
  "version": 1,   
  "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
  "companyId" : 1234,
  "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
  "typeName": "UserListRequest"

Sample response:


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Invite a User

To invite a user to join your Simcoe AI company, use the following request:

export class SendInvitationRequest extends BaseRequest {
    public toEmailAddress: string;
    public toName: string;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'UserInvitationRequest';

Both fields are required:

Sample Request

   "guid": "fdf974ac-90f9-4c1a-3370-aca2c971c4a8", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "UserInvitationRequest",
   "toEmailAddress: "jane.doe@converge.com",
   "toName": "Jane"

Sample Response

A successful response looks like the following with a code of 1:

         "Email has been sent for invitation 'abc123'"

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Remove a User

To remove a user from your Simcoe AI company, use the following request:

export class UserDeletionRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public deletingUserId: string
    ) {
        this.typeName = "UserDeletionRequest";

Following field is required:

Sample Request

   "guid": "fdf974ac-90f9-4c1a-3370-aca2c971c4a8", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "UserDeletionRequest",
   "deletingUserId": "7053099e-2fc0-4dc2-b4c4-bfad8e03a629"

Sample Response

A code 1 (Success) in response indicates success:


Lake Management

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List Lakes

To get a lit of all resume lakes, use the following request:

export class LakeListQueryRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public type: LakeQueryTypes
    ) {
        this.typeName = 'LakeListQueryRequest';

The property to populate is:

Sample Request

   "guid": "10187207-ba5f-4095-a018-9248ac32048a", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "LakeListQueryRequest",
   "type": "Company"

Sample Response

                "id": "0CD27AB00B3F7096F1176971E7E3A69C",
                "companyId": 1234,
                "userId": "f13c654e-3b54-4e18-baf0-410196311b98",
                "userEmailAddress": "joh.doe@somecompany.com",
                "userFirstName": "John",
                "userLastName": "Doe",
                "lakeName": "Information Technology",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-09-14T11:51:17.302076Z"
                "id": "422B19C9E3290E7B8687DADF543A644F",
                "companyId": 1234,
                "userId": "279b46a5-0bfd-4900-bc39-6b5c3e5fd876",
                "userEmailAddress": "alice.jones@somecompany.com",
                "userFirstName": "Alice",
                "userLastName": "Jones",
                "lakeName": "Civil Engineering",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-09-14T11:21:32.1529718Z"

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Create Lake

To create a lake of resumes, use the following request:

export class CreatePoolRequest extends BaseRequest {
    public poolName: string;
    public userName: string;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'PoolProvisioningRequest';

Properties to populate are:

Sample Request

   "guid": "a506cf38-fc73-aae9-5cdf-464357af4ef7", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "PoolProvisioningRequest",
   "poolName": "Information Technology",
   "userName": "Test"

Sample Response

The “results” field returns the ID of the pool.


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Delete Lake

To delete a lake of resumes, use the following request:

export class DeletePoolRequest extends BaseRequest {
    poolId: string;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'PoolSoftDeleteRequest';

Note that the pool is soft deleted.

The following property should be populated:

Sample Request

   "guid": "10187207-ba5f-4095-a018-9248ac32048a", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed9663",
   "typeName": "PoolSoftDeleteRequest",
   "poolId": "7F6B254D9AC32F27E6A748A66EBDB1B9"

Sample Response


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Rename Lake

To rename a lake of resumes, use the following request:

export class RenamePoolRequest extends BaseRequest {
    poolId: string;
    poolName: string;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'PoolNameUpdateRequest';

Properties to populate are:

Sample Request

   "guid": "cec320a9-62e2-6f7e-66c7-b72a92e6a5ea", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "PoolNameUpdateRequest",
   "poolId": "422B19C9E3290E7B8687DADF543A644F",
   "poolName": "IT"

Sample Response


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Resume Upload and Ingestion

Uploading and ingesting resumes is a 3 step process:

  1. Obtain a SAS (Shared Access Signature) token to upload the resume in company’s provided blob container using the SasTokenRequest request. The container stores the resume temporarily for the Simcoe AI backend to process.

  2. Post the resume to the blob container. Contact Simcoe AI to get your company’s blob container URL.

  3. Send a request (ProcessResumeBlobRequest) to gateway for ingesting the resume by Simcoe AI’s backend.

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To get a SAS token for uploading resumes to Simcoe AI’s temporary blob storage specific to your company, use the following request:

export class SasTokenRequest extends BaseRequest {
    constructor() {
        this.typeName = "SasTokenRequest";

Sample Request

   "guid": "add754f4-40ff-68fc-6f57-dae8ae595b5e", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3516,
   "userId": "1f6dee4b-64b7-49a3-a564-9bd97adf7c04",
   "typeName": "SasTokenRequest"

Sample Response

         "token": "?sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&sig=CTC6bXT1HgSHmoYh2nfFz6OSaQ138duDOHK3mB0uOlo%3D&st=2021-02-04T01%3A58%3A09Z&se=2021-02-05T01%3A58%3A09Z&sp=w",
         "accountName": "theAccountName",
         "containerName": "tmp784",
         "maxFileSizeInBytes": 1000000

The following fields from the request will be used by your code to construct the post request for uploading the resume:

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To ingest a resume blob (see steps), use the following request:

export class ProcessResumeBlobRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public lakeId: string,
        public blobName: string
    ) {
        this.typeName = "ProcessResumeBlobRequest";

Properties to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "bafefc30-be56-8ce9-9db0-cdc5fccc1278", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3516,
   "userId": "1f6dee4b-64b7-49a3-a564-9bd97adf7c04",
   "typeName": "ProcessResumeBlobRequest",
   "lakeId": "95858A9CFFEBC01D7B71B9CAAC218EEF", 
   "blobName": "0d62d52192e44f6c89f0e2f26be35260.docx"

Sample Response


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Job Description Management

Get Job Descriptions

To get a list of job descriptions associated with a lake of resumes, use the following request:

export class AcquireJobDescriptionByPoolId extends BaseRequest {
    public poolId: string;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = `JobDescriptionQueryByCompanyIdAndPoolIdRequest`;

Property to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "4c756a58-2c40-53cc-c780-4d1beeed1867", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 2034,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "JobDescriptionQueryByCompanyIdAndPoolIdRequest",
   "poolId": "422B19C9E3290E7B8687DADF543A644F"

Sample Response

      "results": {
         "jobDescriptions": [
               "createdDate": "January 24, 2021",
               "title": "Information Technology",
               "content": "Set up workstations and peripheral devices. Install and configure software. Maintain networks",
               "poolId": "422B19C9E3290E7B8687DADF543A644F",
               "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
               "keywords": null,
               "isActive": true,
               "partitionKey": "2034",
               "rowKey": "49FB384DEB86245627634BF94F2622BF",
               "timestamp": "2021-01-24T17:39:49.0586005-05:00",
               "eTag": "W/\"datetime'2021-01-24T22%3A39%3A49.0586005Z'\""
               "createdDate": "May 28, 2020",
               "title": "software developer",
               "content": "    Develop and test software to meet consumers' and clients' needs.\n    Develop upgrades for existing applications.\n    Monitor quality and performance of applications through testing and maintenance.\n    Document all work for future reference.\nmanagement of projects\ncreation of plans for future\n",
               "poolId": "422B19C9E3290E7B8687DADF543A644F",
               "userId": "0030270f-3c9e-4e61-ab56-560d7dc4f3bc",
               "keywords": null,
               "isActive": true,
               "partitionKey": "2034",
               "rowKey": "81459E0A8AC2CAF78AA48149C74EBABA",
               "timestamp": "2020-05-27T21:11:26.73065-04:00",
               "eTag": "W/\"datetime'2020-05-28T01%3A11%3A26.73065Z'\""
         "poolName": "IT",
         "resumeCount": 637

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Create Job Description

To create a new job description in a lake of resumes, use the following request:

export class CreateJobDescriptionRequest extends BaseRequest {
    public model: CreateJobDescriptionModel;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'JobDescriptionSaveRequest';
        this.model = new CreateJobDescriptionModel();

The model property is of type CreateJobDescriptionModel which is defined as:

export class CreateJobDescriptionModel {
    public title: string;
    public content: string;
    public poolId: string;

Properties of the model to populate are:

Sample Request

   "guid": "71bfc8d8-55ba-41ec-9286-f8a9e38528a8", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "JobDescriptionSaveRequest",
   "model": {
      "title": "Information Technology",
      "content": "Set up workstations and peripheral devices. Install and configure software. Maintain networks",
      "poolId": "422B19C9E3290E7B8687DADF543A644F"

Sample Response


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Update Job Description

To update an existing job description associated with a lake of resumes, use the following request:

export class UpdateJobDescriptionRequest extends CreateJobDescriptionRequest {
    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'JobDescriptionUpdateRequest';

The model property is of type CreateJobDescriptionModel which is defined as:

export class CreateJobDescriptionModel {
    public title: string;
    public content: string;
    public poolId: string;

Properties of the model to populate are:

Sample Request

   "guid": "1b19039e-544e-4420-86c2-9210a2cbc3b7", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "JobDescriptionSaveRequest",
   "model": {
      "title": "Information Technology",
      "content": "Set up workstations and peripheral devices. Install and configure software. Maintain networks",
      "poolId": "422B19C9E3290E7B8687DADF543A644F"

Sample Response


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Delete Job Description

(Issue #106 will address a bug with this request - If no interview is associated with this request, it fails)

To delete an existing job description associated with a lake of resumes, use the following request:

export class DeleteJobDescriptionRequest extends BaseRequest {
  rowKey: string;
  constructor() {
    this.typeName = 'JobDescriptionDeleteRequest';

Property to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "b2845afa-65ec-fa46-f3dc-392ced93f63b", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 1234,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "JobDescriptionDeleteRequest",
   "rowKey": "E66B7B3AE1D38066C49DD82B5C9444BE"

Sample Response


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Interview Management

Get Interviews

To get a list of interviews associated with a job description, use the following request:

export class GetInterviewsRequest extends BaseRequest {
    jobDescriptionId: string;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'InterviewsQueryRequest';

Property to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "e7f3fb06-72e8-4c89-800b-4e5d0462759f", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 2034,
   "userId": "28f26030-17ed-4fcf-a71c-e30bca7ed966",
   "typeName": "InterviewsQueryRequest",
   "jobDescriptionId": "C66E53EB1E56AE79F47958BFEFD7C680"

Sample Response

      "results": {
         "jobDescriptionId": "C66E53EB1E56AE79F47958BFEFD7C680",
         "interviews": [
               "id": "302ba2ed61f44888a73e152d9b6f3663",
               "title": "Initial interview",
               "validForHours": 24,
               "qnas": [
                     "id": 1,
                     "question": "First question",
                     "answer": "Expected answer to first question",
                     "weight": 40
                     "id": 2,
                     "question": "Second question",
                     "answer": "Expected answer to the second question",
                     "weight": 60
               "published": true
               "id": "18b8d943eea84965b89f993ffe603be5",
               "title": "Second interview",
               "validForHours": 48,
               "qnas": [
                     "id": 1,
                     "question": "First question of the second interview",
                     "answer": "Expected answer to the first question of the second interview",
                     "weight": 75
                     "id": 2,
                     "question": "Second question of the second interview",
                     "answer": "Expected answer to the second question of the second interview",
                     "weight": 25
               "published": false

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Save Interview

To save interviews against a job description, use the following request:

export class SaveInterviewsRequest extends BaseRequest {
    public model: InterviewsSet;

    constructor() {
        this.typeName = 'InterviewSaveRequest';
        this.model = new InterviewsSet();

This is a create and update request. If

Property to populate:

InterviewsSet Objects

export class InterviewsSet {
    public jobDescriptionId: string;
    public interviews: Interview[];
export class Interview {
    public id: string;
    public title: string;
    public validForHours: number;
    public qnas: QnA[];
    public published: boolean;
export class QnA {
    public id: number;
    public question: string;
    public answer: string;
    public weight: number;

Sample Request

The following request creates a brand new interview set for a job description (notice the empty id field of the single interview in the request). If any interviews existed before, they will be removed.

   "guid": "db7939e6-8937-a26a-8915-bb7b2103572a", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3095,
   "userId": "1421eac3-2db1-4862-ac31-583521590388",
   "typeName": "InterviewSaveRequest",
   "model": {
      "jobDescriptionId": "C66E53EB1E56AE79F47958BFEFD7C680",
      "interviews": [
            "id": "",
            "title": "the title",
            "validForHours": 12,
            "published": false,
            "qnas": [
                  "id": "1",
                  "question": "some question",
                  "answer": "some answer",
                  "weight": 100

The following request will add a new interview to the job description, and updates the interview added by the above request. Notice the now populate id field of the interview titled “Updated title”.

   "guid": "db7939e6-8937-a26a-8915-bb7b2103572a", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3095,
   "userId": "1421eac3-2db1-4862-ac31-583521590388",
   "typeName": "InterviewSaveRequest",
   "model": {
      "jobDescriptionId": "C66E53EB1E56AE79F47958BFEFD7C680",
      "interviews": [
            "id": "37da583e077b4be58142061e9300aa20",
            "title": "Updated title",
            "validForHours": 12,
            "published": false,
            "qnas": [
                  "id": "1",
                  "question": "Updated question",
                  "answer": "Updated answer",
                  "weight": 70
                  "id": "2",
                  "question": "New question",
                  "answer": "New answer",
                  "weight": 30
         } , {
            "id": "",
            "title": "Second interview",
            "validForHours": 12,
            "published": false,
            "qnas": [
                  "id": "1",
                  "question": "First question",
                  "answer": "First answer",
                  "weight": 100

Sample Response


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Screening Queue Management

Screening queue is a list of candidates that are being screened for a particular job description. Users send interviews (associated to the job description) to candidates in the queue. Interview results are calculate per each screened candidate in the queue.

Get Screening Queue

To get the screening queue associated with a job description, use the following request:

export class ScreeningQueueByJobDescriptionRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public jobDescriptionId: string
    ) {
        this.typeName = "ScreeningQueueByJobDescriptionRequest";

Property to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "3bd9d66d-2905-38f5-6e20-05d0b38410fc", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3095,
   "userId": "1421eac3-2db1-4862-ac31-583521590388",
   "typeName": "ScreeningQueueByJobDescriptionRequest",
   "jobDescriptionId": "D77CD30D3D09ECC015765F09BB7DE08E"

Sample Response

            "jobDescriptionId": "D77CD30D3D09ECC015765F09BB7DE08E",
            "candidateId": "jane.doe@testing.com",
            "email": "jane.doe@testing.com",
            "fullName": "",
            "phone": "",
            "resumeUrl": "https://storage456897654.blob.core.windows.net/1453ee4e360634d11a431d48b7d3af31/0b1d4e35a81746faabee988b7d1515d1.docx",
            "status": 0
            "jobDescriptionId": "D77CD30D3D09ECC015765F09BB7DE08E",
            "candidateId": "alice.smith@gmail.com",
            "email": "alice.smith@gmail.com",
            "fullName": "",
            "phone": "",
            "resumeUrl": "https://storage456897654.blob.core.windows.net/1453ee4e360634d11a431d48b7d3af31/01fde52fb97d4b36a9acdfbe207e72cf.docx",
            "status": 0

Currently the “fullName” and “phone” are blank in the response. This will be enhanced in the future.

The “status” comes from the following enum:

export enum ScreeningQueueStatuses {
    New = 0,
    Interview = 300,
    Complete = 600

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Add Candidate to Screening Queue

To add a candidate to a job description’s screening queue, use the following request:

export class AddCandidateToScreeningQueueRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public jobDescriptionId: string,
        public candidateId: string
    ) {
        this.typeName = "AddCandidateToScreeningQueueRequest";

Properties to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "98df1354-8dc7-e805-c9e1-3135da3ece9d", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3095,
   "userId": "1421eac3-2db1-4862-ac31-583521590388",
   "typeName": "AddCandidateToScreeningQueueRequest",
   "jobDescriptionId": "D77CD30D3D09ECC015765F09BB7DE08E",
   "candidateId": "jane.doe@somecompany.com"

Sample Response


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Remove Candidate from Screening Queue

To remove a candidate from a job description’s screening queue, use the following request:

export class RemoveCandidateFromScreeningQueueRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public jobDescriptionId: string,
        public candidateId: string
    ) {
        this.typeName = "RemoveCandidateFromScreeningQueueRequest";

Properties to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "620bd24b-c899-edf8-07ef-a2cfaeff06d3", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3095,
   "userId": "1421eac3-2db1-4862-ac31-583521590388",
   "typeName": "RemoveCandidateFromScreeningQueueRequest",
   "jobDescriptionId": "D77CD30D3D09ECC015765F09BB7DE08E",
   "candidateId": "jane.doe@somecompany.com"

Sample Response


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Interviewing Candidates

See here to learn about the candidate interview workflow.

Interview Invitation

To send an invitation email to a candidate in a screening queue to take an online interview, use the following request:

export class InterviewInvitationRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public jobDescriptionId: string,
        public interviewId: string,
        public candidateId: string
    ) {
        this.typeName = "InterviewInvitationRequest";

Properties to populate:

The interview invitation will contain a link with a token that will redirect the user to the interview page.

Sample Request

   "guid": "f7b9b4c8-e163-9fce-d1a9-266b46562150", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3095,
   "userId": "1421eac3-2db1-4862-ac31-583521590388",
   "typeName": "InterviewInvitationRequest",
   "jobDescriptionId": "62DEE413209A0977168F2B6E2979CDB1",
   "interviewId": "8907baa0255f439184cfd8bd57d9d57b",
   "candidateId": "jane.doe@somecompany.com"

Sample Response


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Get Candidate Interviews

To get a list of a candidate’s interview results, use the following request:

export class CandidateInterviewsRequest extends BaseRequest {
        public jobDescriptionId: string,
        public candidateId: string
    ) {
        this.typeName = "CandidateInterviewsRequest";

Properties to populate:

Sample Request

   "guid": "fc75f378-8696-17b0-e27d-5174719db988", 
   "version": 1,   
   "domain" : "CognitiveApp", 
   "companyId" : 3095,
   "userId": "1421eac3-2db1-4862-ac31-583521590388",
   "typeName": "CandidateInterviewsRequest",
   "jobDescriptionId": "62DEE413209A0977168F2B6E2979CDB1",
   "candidateId": "jane.doe@somecompany.com"

Sample Response

In this sample, there are two interview associated with the job description in the request:

      "results": [
            "candidateId": "jane.doe@somecompany.com",
            "jobDescriptionId": "62DEE413209A0977168F2B6E2979CDB1",
            "interviewId": "8907baa0255f439184cfd8bd57d9d57b",
            "status": 500,
            "answers": [
               {"questionId":1,"answer":"some answer to question 1"},
               {"questionId":2,"answer":"some answer to question 2"}
            "totalScore": 47.595058602760986
         }, {
            "candidateId": "jane.doe@somecompany.com",
            "jobDescriptionId": "62DEE413209A0977168F2B6E2979CDB1",
            "interviewId": "8907baa0255f439184cfd8bd57d9d57b",
            "status": 0,
            "answers": [],
            "totalScore": 0

The status field is of following enum type:

export enum CandidateInterviewStatus {
    NotSent = -1,
    Pending = 0,
    Complete = 500

The totalScore field is calculated based on the weight of each interview question and the given answer, and is between 0 and 100. The higher the score the closer the candidate’s answer to question’s expected answer.

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Interview Workflow

To interview a candidate, you will first send an invitation to the candidate using the InterviewInvitationRequest request. The invitation is an email containing a URL (provided by you) that will redirect the user to your interview page.

A token exists in the URL’s query string which you need to send to the interview REST endpoint:

GET https://{Simcoe AI Interview Endpoint URL}/Interviews?token={token} HTTP/1.1

If the token is valid (registered in system, not expired, the interview is pending), a 200 response with interview’s model in body will be sent back to you. The object graph of the interview model is:

export class TrimmedInterview {
    public id: string;
    public title: string;
    public qnAs: TrimmedQnA[];

export class TrimmedQnA {
    public id: number;
    public question: string;
    public answer: string;

The field answer in TrimmedQnA is blanked out by the backend. Your page will display the interview title, and questions, and collects candidate answers. Once complete, you will submit a POST request to the interview endpoint with an array of answers in the body of the request. The token must be include in the query string:

POST https://{Simcoe AI Interview Endpoint URL}/Interviews?token={token} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
   {"questionId": 1, "answer": "Candidate's answer to question 1"},
   {"questionId": 2, "answer": "Candidate's answer to question 2"},
   {"questionId": 3, "answer": "Candidate's answer to question 3"}

Upon a successful POST, the Simcoe AI interview endpoint will respond with a 200 HTTP code.

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